Personal Leadership and Your Attitude Related Beliefs

personal leadership beliefsThe attitude you carry in personal leadership is a blend of your beliefs, feelings, values and your behaviors.   The quality of your personal leadership beliefs will dictate how you will feel and behave.   The opportunity is to live from beliefs that serve you moving forward in your own self leadership.

Here are 9 common personal leadership beliefs which can contribute to a great personal leadership attitude:

1.  There is always a better way. The pursuit of self mastery is a corner stone of the path of self leadership.  Choosing and then focusing on areas of personal growth and development drives the personal fulfillment from self mastery.  When the pursuit of the ” better way”  allows you to better serve in the world.  The by product is greater personal fulfillment and along side it, a great personal leadership attitude.

2.  Change starts from the inside. Personal leadership is leading from the inside – out.  It is choosing to live from your own values, essence  and sense of meaning – rather than the byproduct of life happening to you.   As you change, and then become the role model for change – your environment changes as a byproduct.  Old outdated behaviours like having the need to change someone (control) falls away and you become more allowing of those around you.

3. We are all one. Recognizing that we  (human kind) are all interconnected  dissipates any old patterns of judgment.  Again this is a belief that represents openness and allowing.   When you believe in oneness and then act from that place – decisions become more holistic – and generally are of more in service of win-win-win.

4. Self leadership is a lifestyle choice. Recognizing that a path of leading yourself  is a daily commitment to being focused and in the pursuit of personal mastery can create huge traction.  This is a very different from the belief that personal leadership is a end outcome or an accomplishment or the more common belief  that someone else has the reigns.

5.  Personal Leadership is developed through practice. Believing that you have the capacity to focus on what is meaningful and give that focus your time, energy and resources in a way that is courageous and light – makes the process of continual improvement enjoyable.  Recognizing that practice leads to mastery and that mastery leads to ease – and ease leads to the ability for greater service and personal fulfillment –  all helps to support the belief – that the play of learning – is all worthwhile.

6.  Self-care is part of my gift to the world. Taking care of yourself so that you can be around for a long, long while to continue to care for others – is a cornerstone of personal leadership.

7. Abundance is everywhere. Your beliefs around abundance and prosperity directly affect your ability to ask, give, and receive.   When you have a holistic abundance mindset – there is less resistance – internal or otherwise.

8. Life is a practical spiritual practice. Being willing to be moved by your own pure essence and the practices you undertake is part of a spiritual practice.   It is the meaning that comes from your chosen focus and how it serves the world (your life purpose) that lifts a path of self leadership in to the realm of spiritual. 

9. Personal leadership  is an elevated pursuit. So much of leading from the inside – out  is about a search for “better”.  A better you supporting a better community; a better world.   When you focus on this elevation from ordinary to extra-ordinary – amazing things happen.  You are inspired and inspiring.  You are a role model for others.  You lift up everything around you.

10.  Truthfulness leads to connection. Tell the truth.  When we are being authentic,  and our thoughts, feelings,  words and deeds are all in alignment (congruence) , we have the ability to feel more ease internally as well as bring together those people who value authenticity and connection via authenticity.

  • Des Gray says:

    Hey Anne,

    Good post. Many know their values and behavoirs could do with a little tweeking. But, for many change is hard, it goes directly against their belief system – just like the elephant and the stake. No matter how hard they pull, there’s the illusion of something holding them back. The harder they pull, they more they reinforce the existing belief. Then their feelings come back to bite them…

    But change can be instant, especially when it’s based on the following; ‘new decisions, based on new information’. New info can slide in ‘unchallenged’, and new decisions follow automatically. Interestingly, that’s how beliefs are formed in the first place!

    As humans, we’re given the ability to think at a higher level. Unfortunately, we don’t. At least not in the way we were designed to. For many, ‘free will’ or ‘free thinking’ is just their belief system in disguise… there we go, we’re back to that elephant again.

    When we become more (of our-self), we need less. And the control is in letting go of the control. Your words remind me of the Tao; “true sayings seem contradictory. Act by not acting. Do by not doing. The master accomplishes much without doing”. Know thyself, that’s the key. I’ve created a programme around that, it may be of interest.
    1-on-1 Self Mastery Programme

    • Anne Preston says:

      Sounds like we are aligned in our thinking that openness and expanded awareness can aid in opening up limiting beliefs Des. I agree – greater self awareness helps open us up more possibilities as as does a number of other practical methods. I believe there are multiple paths to positive outcomes.

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