Personal Leadership traits

1.  Be willing to drum up some courage

You don’t need the same amount of courage that you would to say fight a war, just a little burst of courage will do the trick.   It is the willingness to go beyond your existing beliefs, and to open your heart and mind to new perspectives, new learning and new experiences that will bring you the  kind of courage you will need.  You will find that courage is like a snow-ball; it grows and grows the more you use it.   Before long, you will be making courage left, right and center.

2. Be willing to learn some key skills

Personal leadership is like any other pursuit. It’s based on a skill set.  Some examples of personal leadership skill sets are: the ability to know what you are feeling and understand with awareness what the feeling is representing,  being able to change your emotional state by choice, being able to be fully present and the ability to have great communication between you and another or others, and most importantly between you and your inner self.  These skill sets develop over time as you practice leading from the inside.   The more you practice the more you will learn.

3. Be willing to be a little inspirational

Once you begin aligning your own thoughts, feelings and deeds to your own north start – be prepared to be told you are inspirational.  The truth is, people will begin to watch you as you lead from the inside – out.  When you are being a personal leader – you are inspirational.   Just begin by leading yourself – the inspiration will find its own.  You might be surprised what another person might accomplish – just because they witnessed you as a role-model.

4. Be willing to be challenged

It’s common to feel a little challenged in your own self-expression when you first begin on the path of being a personal leader.  When you are being fully-self expressed – you will remind others of places where they might be as self -expressed.  It is the mirror you will hold up for those around you – that may challenge folks in their own experience.  Just remember, people are responsible for there own emotional responses and you for yours.

Challenge is also a part of change.  As a personal leader you will learn how to embrace change and to learn to be comfortable in the middle of  the uncertainty that change brings.

5. Be willing.

When you are willing – you are open.  Openness is key in personal leadership.  Being willing to feel what ever comes your way  – is one way to set your mark as a personal leader.  A lot of people are habituated to go a away from their feelings.  As a  personal leader – you will be looking forward to feeling all that there is to feel.     When you are willing – you are present.  Being present is another place to be willing as a personal leader.

It is through being present that you will be best able to sense how you are feeling about things and you will be best able to hear your intuition about the direction you are traveling.

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