Personal Leadership traits

Finding Grace - Mind Body Spirit CoachingIn personal leadership, grace is a leadership trait where heart and mind come together.  It is these integrations of lovely elements that combine to create the blessing that is the virtue – grace. It is this congruence, integrated alignment and sense of inward peace that creates something truly worthy of a personal leadership quality.

Grace in personal leadership, has a lot to do with nature and being natural.  It is this divine authenticity and congruence that creates the pleasing peaceful elegance of what it is to be graceful.

In life, it may show up as the love and compassion you demonstrate for others.  It is the consideration of others that allows a graceful leader to give favour – and see the oneness of all.   The kindliness of this personal leadership trait extends out beyond your own identify – it extends its  out into the world which is why there is such a mind, body and spirit element to it.

Grace may be experienced when as a personal leadership skill – you align with your personal levels of meaning.  It may even be unspoken, as it involves quietly simplifying and then honouring fully that which is most important to you.

This way of being and behaving like a personal leader also involves living from resourceful perspectives – being a pursuer of mastery, and continual learning and practice.

Do you desire more gracefulness in your life? Most people I talk to say they do. Grace is a desirable personal leadership trait. It is  one of those things that raise ones level of personal leadership – for its kindness and humbleness tells a story of success, of ease and of naturalness.

Some of the more common barriers to living in a state of grace are:

  • It’s looking at failure as failing instead of learning while in action in the pursuits of success
  • Settling for partial success – and avoiding the extra effort of the pursuit of mastery.  The seeming effortlessness comes from doing something with mastery.
  • Sitting in frustration instead of practicing the feeling of everything that is there
  • It’s looking outward for validation instead of blooming from your own nourishment

You can bring more personal leadership grace into your life. It’s very doable. Here are some ways to get there:

  • Watch more nature. In nature grace is demonstrated over and over again.  It may be in the gait of a horse, the flutter of a butterfly, the bend of a tree limb in a strong wind, or even the movement in a stream
  • Watch things. Watch things and people you consider to be demonstrating gracefulness: a dance, someone’s walk, someone’s hands (I personally, think of hula hands when I think of graceful hands) and do some writing about what you notice
  • Honour the Pursuit. Begin to honour the pursuit of mastery in activities you undertake.  For practice that leads to mastery –  rehearses the mind-body components of that mastery – and the result is greater gracefulness
  • Love 10x more. Love and compassion towards others – amplifies one’s personal state.  When you are looking at someone through the mind and heart of love and compassion – you will listen more, and be in the present moment more – and these are both elements of grace
  • Judge 10x less. Judging takes you out of a state of grace – the judging actually creates a  separateness.  Judgment- free awareness on the other hand is  seeing things without judgment and allowing a thing to be what it is.  This allows for a greater connection.
  • Be kind to yourself. While you are judging less –  judge yourself less too
  • Embrace ease. Finding your ease in personal leadership is directly related to finding a state of grace.  As an example, ease comes when you align yourself to your own personal values –  and the result is – there can be a sense your values truly fit you – and then things do become easier as a result.  Having this personal ease – allow you to express more grace – because you are not wrapped in the struggle with something that wrong size cloak that doesn’t fit you.

As you can see.  This is a personal pursuit.  It’s your own personal embodiment of ease.

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