Abundant Energy – 7 tips to have it


Abundant Energy


Personal energy management is one area of your self-responsibility as a personal leader.  Abundant and renewable energy is a hallmark of a successful and  vitality-filled personal leader.

You deserve an abundance of energy for your body, mind and spirit.

Here are 7 ways to have abundant Mind Body and Spirit energy:

1. Know what gives you abundant energy and what drains it.  This is the most significant of the 7 ways and may take you expanding your own awareness of the reality of what is happening for you.

This can encompass anything from knowing that a walk out in nature enlivens you, to noticing a certain person drains your energy when they are around you.  It can be that you have a new awareness of an exercise class or swim in the pool or a good old fashioned nap gives you a boost or it can be as complex as a large detailed project outside of your normal scope of  natural talents that makes things a drag for you.

The action step: Raise your awareness of what gives you energy or juices you – and what drains you or sucks you dry.   Start a list.  Take a piece of paper – and draw a line down the center.  On one side write down everything that gives you energy and on the other, write down what drains your energy.


After you have your list – why not see if you can do more of what gives you energy – and do less of what drains it – by releasing it, delegating it, or transforming it.

2. Be conscious about both your energy in and your energy out.   Are you giving your body the fuel it needs to perform at its best or are you running on empty, or on coffee or soda.   Vitality goes up when you treat your body as your very best friend.  Hopefully, you’ll give your very best friend the best you have.

3. Take significant self-care.  Eating well is just one component of significant self-care.  You can also bring greater self-care to how you rest, how you work, how you promise and how you engage in relationships, just to name a few.

The action step: Take a few minutes and write yourself a note about what the term, significant self-care means to you.  Then see which of the things on your self-care list you might want to blend into your day or week.

4. Honour your boundaries.  If you ever find yourself caught in the  energy-draining pattern of saying an automatic yes, instead of pausing and considering how your choice would fit into your calendar and either add or detract from what is most meaningful for you – you have fallen for one of the most common boundary irks.

The action step:   Stop saying yes automatically.  Wait to respond – until at least you have had a quick check in with your intuition, your calendar and your better knowing.

5. Honour your values. I cannot think of ANYTHING more draining than not living from your own values.  If you are spending all your time just trying to keep up with what OTHER people find important – you leave no room for your own passion or personal aliveness.

The action step:  Make a list of your top values, and then turn each value into a verb.   Allow yourself to either BE or DO in relation to your value and then track how you do at honouring your value.  You’ll notice you get an energy boost along with the very satisfying feeling of feeling more fulfilled.

6. Live from your passions.   Having things in your life you are passionate about is energy-giving.   When you are passionate about something – you feel enlivened by it.  Often some of your most wonderful peak experiences will come during times when you are doing something you are passionate about.    

The danger is when we have something that we are passionate about – and we push it aside because we think, “I cannot afford to do that” or some other excuse, and we create an energy leak from our soulful life.

The action step:  Get out this week and do something you are passionate about – and notice if you have a pickup in your energy.

7. Consistently work on your mindset.  We all need a little help in this area, because this is a forever changing landscape.  Understanding that things are always changing – are you always upgrading your own internal operating system.   We can all get better at something whether it is improving how we speak with our inner voice, or how we inspire ourselves.

The action step:  Identify a limiting or toxic belief you may have – and look at ways you can shift it so that your thinking is more resourceful for you.

Looking for some other ways to tap into some extra energy – here is a post on  Personal Leadership Vitality.

What additional things can you think of that give you an abundance of energy?  Comment on anything you would like to add to this list.




  • Anne great post and will be doing some of the exercises you suggested. I have been lacking in energy lately and need to plug the leaks! Thank you! Marilyn

    • Anne Preston says:

      That’s great Marilyn. Let me know what you notice afterwords. I would love to hear your experience. Hopefully, with a little focused attention you can turn your energy leak into energy flow.

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