
Unlock Everyday Peace

Welcome to a Sanctuary for Everyday Heroes and Caring Women on the Edge

Are you a caring & compassionate woman juggling countless responsibilities?

Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders as you tirelessly serve your team, your family, or your community?

You know you are stressed out. You might even be on the verge of burnout or compassion fatigue.

Pause. Breathe. Realign.

You’ve been running on a treadmill that’s going faster and faster. You care deeply for others, and yet it’s taking its toll. You are realizing it’s time to say that caring for yourself is essential for continuing to serve others effectively.

The solution: Self-Leadership: Your Lifeline

Strong families, teams & communities need strong leaders.

Your well-being isn’t just yours; it’s also the fuel that keeps your leadership vibrant. It’s time to relax and slow things down but with intention.

Through focused & aligned self-leadership, you can become more effective without being busier.

Cultivate the freedom and ease you long for.

Rediscover Your Strength and Your Self-confidence Again

As a committed woman in leadership, you don’t have to carry the burden alone.

We are here to help you turn exhaustion into energy, obligations into choices, and stress into Everyday Peace.

Everyday Peace is for Everyday Heroes. You are an everyday hero. The care you provide for others is invaluable. But heroes need nurturing too.

Everyday Peace is about balancing your commitment to others with a commitment to yourself.

We Stand with You

Our passion is to stand by remarkable women like you–the heart-centered leaders who are the pillars of support for others.

Together we’ll embark on a transformative journey–focusing our attention on practices that rejuvenate your mind, body & spirit and realign your purpose.

Meet Anne Preston

Anne Preston, a beacon and serene supporter of change since 2001, has been guiding compassionate women teetering on the brink of burnout to turn things around.

Through insightful coaching and practical spirituality, Anne is dedicated to empowering you to embrace self-leadership, find your self-defined peace and success, and continue to serve with an open heart and a deeper capacity than you imagined possible.

Are you ready to embrace the rejuvenating power of Everyday Peace and focus on your whole self to continue your amazing work with renewed energy and purpose?

The first step is to schedule a highly customized 45Minute Personal Leadership Breakthrough Session with Anne and MindBodySpiritCoaching and uncover some of the hidden barriers to your self-defined success.

Read more about Anne

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