
Lighten Your Leadership Style

Here are 4 daily habits that can assist you in experiencing more lightness:

1.Be impeccably mindful of ‘time.’

There is nothing that takes away the sense of lightness of being faster – than having to rush to an appointment, fret that you will be late – and then run in huffing and puffing just to find out that you just made it – or you are a few minutes late.      A Lightness of being around time is to give yourself enough time and energy to enjoy the journey – breathe and rest before – and know you are early for your appointment. Being well prepared for your meetings also brings lightness when your energy can then be directed where it is most effective instead of in the chaos of rubbing up against a time deadline.

Being more fully aware of time for some, this is a natural gift – and for others, it is one of those things to choose to be conscious about.    If you are one of those folks that get caught up in what you are doing and you lose track of time – you may want to set up small structures to support you to be mindful of time. (alarms, notes, egg timers, mindful bells.)

There is also a mind shift to make here – from being “right on time” to being 5 minutes early is on time.  It’s a subtle shift to make – but it is an inspiring one.

2. Listen for deep understanding and then double your curiosity

There is a dramatic difference between listening to respond and listening to understand.

You can test this out for yourself the next time you are in a conversation with someone.  Are you already formulating what you next need to say – before the other person has finished what they are saying?  If so – that is a good clue that you are not yet skilled at listening for understanding.   One way of practicing this is to wait until the other person is finished – and then ask a question to expand more about what they have said.    Listen for there response and then – only then – formulate your next words.    One of the things that makes this easier to do is to realize you can think a lot faster than you believe you already do.

Language to Inspire

3.Watch Your Language

The language we use has impressive power, and often more powerful than we realize.  If you are a sensitive soul, you may already recognize this.   For example, using language that expresses angry, harm, war, or aggression has an effect on the energy of others.   For example: “let’s hit that target” vs. “let’s reach our goals.”

I am sure you could identify a list of things you use in your everyday language…..   The key here is to recognize that for some, there is a dramatic difference in how they internalize the language. 

To increase your lightness – consciously try using softer, kinder, more loving phraseology and see if you notice a difference in your own light or in the lightness of those around you.

4. Look for the best of what is  – instead of what is not working

Taking an appreciative view and way is one good way to lighten up your leadership style.  There is still an accepted expectation out there in the world for us to look for what isn’t working – look for the gaps in things – and then try to fix them.  Instead – try a perspective of leveraging what is already working extremely well – and then leapfrog from there to what would be ideal.  It accomplishes the same innovation – without the energy of focusing on the negative. It’s a lighter approach that inspires.

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