Personal Mastery

Live with HeartI believe personal leadership can best be defined by the phrase “it’s your life practiced well and with heart“.   When you live your life in search of a better you through practicing in the courageous pursuit of personal mastery – you live a life of heart-filled personal leadership.

By choosing what is meaningful and then living those choices with heart; you raise your bar above the norm. You’re giving effort to raise things up above ordinary, up to the level of extraordinary.

When you are willing to engage in ‘practice’ – you are willing to risk not being perfect.  You are willing to extend yourself in vulnerability and you are willing to learn to get better.

It is this authenticity in living that will elevate your experience to the level that feels more like a reward for yourself and an inspiration for others.

Here are 7 Ways to Practice your Life with Heart:

  1. Embrace the concept of failing effectively.  Failing effectively is taking learning from every effort – even if you fail.  The ability to see the best of what is – in any situation (even a failure) is cornerstone to leveraging your learning and being effective as someone who practices life with heart.  Imagine going through life – knowing you could not fail (really fail). Imagine having the ability to see the perfection in any given situation and the courage to keep on learning.
  2. Pursue mastery. Valuing the process of living through the pursuit of personal mastery has huge rewards.  Not only can you visually see your improvement, progress and purposefulness in action – you also get to move into the realm where life becomes almost like a jazz improvisation – where you move beyond competence into a place of flow and ease.
  3. Find your Flow.  Find that place where there is a resonance and just right balance between the challenge at hand and your current skills.  Putting your heart into something is one of the cornerstones of finding flow.   Read these 3 tips for finding your flow.
  4. Live in presence.  Finding your own personal presence is a moment by moment practice.  It’s the awareness the comes from the presence that will both inform and transform your ability to live in the wonder of the moment. Each and every one of them.
  5. Values – align with your own.  It can take real courage to live life on your own terms – in alignment with your own values instead of just accepting by default those of your family or your peers. Finding out what is truly meaningful and important to you can be an ongoing pursuit that changes as your life situation changes.  How many people do you know who raise the importance level of their own health after one of their parent’s pass away.  It’s like a wake up call to what is truly important to them. (NOW)
  6. Make a committment to congruence. Having your head, heart and hands all in alignment sends a message to yourself and to others around you – that says you are clear, confident and you are calm in your own skin. It says you love rather than fear.  When you practice life with congruence – you give yourself more access to both your intuition and to your heart.
  7. Play. The lightness that play brings to the art of practicing transforms your pursuit of mastery into something that is sustainable, enjoyable and nurturing.   The mindset of being at play and being playful can soothe your soul.

Why not make a committment to yourself today – to live your day with a lot of heart.  You deserve the reward.

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