personal leadership development

life paragdigmTo under take a path of personal leadership development is to lead yourself outside and beyond common life paradigms. Here are 6 very common  paradigms worth examining:

1. Paradigm:   Everything is OK

It may be that you have said to yourself or even to others – ” Everything is OK as it is”.   Perhaps because you settled just a little bit, or perhaps even felt you may not have deserved more in the moment.

Perhaps you have been like so many people who just have not yet invested the time to fully articulate what you truly, truly desire ; then make a personal leadership development plan to get it.

Everything is OK – can show up in different ways.

It could be in those small tolerations you put up with every day – or even in the way you some times say ” That’s good enuf to pass”.

The truth is – this paradigm can be subtly different for everyone.  It’s pervasive though.  First blush may have you push this all aside as not true.   Sit with it for a while though – then see what you allow yourself to notice.

The personal leadership perspective:   Yes! I desire more

To want more, for yourself, for others and the world – and then be willing to invest the time, energy and resources to obtain it –  these are personal traits of a personal leader pursuing value driven desired outcomes.

In addition to acknowledging perhaps quiet passion for more –  this new perspective is also about telling the truth – that no, you don’t really want to settle for good enough, or  just OK,  and yes,  you would like an extra-ordinary life; you want more for yourself and the world.

2.  Paradigm:  Tell me I am OK

Looking outside of yourself (to others ) for validation & love is another common pattern for those of us  in North American culture.

We begin strive to be, as others wish us to be – and this starts early – even as we are toddlers – and it carries on into adulthood as we strive for approval, appreciation and acknowledgment from those we care about; our employers, our colleagues, our partners and our audiences.

The personal leadership perspective: I am love – already whole and complete

When you trust in your own pure essential nature and ability to self assess – things change.  You make decisions based on your personal fulfillment and values.  You trust more.  You trust in your own sense of wholeness and able to continually expand your awareness.

3. Paradigm: I have got it

Is it a habitual practice for you to stop paying attention as soon as you think you have enough information to support the belief that you know something?  It is for most people.

One way you can catch yourself in this paradigm if you ever find your self trying formulating your next statement while the person you are in conversation with, is still speaking theirs.

When we forget to do things like mindful listening or do enough of something to just get by – we often are caught in the paradigm of ” I have got it”.

It shows up in what we choose to learn, to study and where to focus also.  Do we continue learning something – after we have reached a certain level of competency?

Ask yourself if you are pursuing mastery in any particular area of your life.  This will tell you if you are perhaps caught in this perspective.

The personal leadership perspective: I am curious – what can I learn and understand

When we choose a focus – it replaces the common practice of generalizing.   As a personal leader when you consciously choose to pay attention longer and raise  standards – it also raises your level of personal fulfillment and contribution in the world.  This could show up in a conversation, a practice, a skill, or a contribution.  The pursuit of mastery is a true sign a of personal leadership development.

4.  Paradigm:  I am in control

There is no doubt the pace of things are speeding up.  Information is moving faster and faster.  More is required of each of us – every day.  Have you noticed the faster things move – the more you tend to hold on just a little bit tighter?

Perhaps you plan a little more,  try to have things go your way  – a little bit more? Underneath this desire for control is a desire for more certainty and trust in the future.

More certainty in the face of a little bit more chaos in the world. This desire for more control – is you – caught in a paradigm.

The personal leadership perspective:  I wait for clarity – and I thrive in the wonder of certainty

The skills relating to that of allowing, expanding perspectives and expanding your personal capacity to “be with more” with out the experience of overwhelm.  It is in this place of flow which personal leaders can reap wonderful benefits.

5. Paradigm: I am. (separate)

There are many, many life experiences and challenges that demonstrate a perspective of separateness and all of them are very common in our North American Culture.

Things can be things  like feeling isolated, confused, excluding alternative perspectives, over reacting to things, being judgmental, ignoring your intuition or the most common dynamic of them all – avoiding the present moment.

This particular paradigm pattern is one of those – that we often can not see until it is pointed out to us.  You might be even a bit challenged to think  that any of these things might be true for yourself.

The personal Leadership Perspective:  We are ( I am in connection)

In a personal leadership development program – at the source of it  all – is this holistic perspective of connection, of expanded awareness which includes the belief , “we are all one”.

When we create and contribute from an universal perspective – we create better products, services and experiences.

On a personal level, when we are able to bring more awareness in to our day to day lives.   We create more ease for ourselves and those around us.

6.  Paradigm:  Culture tells me what I should next want and this will give my life direction

If you have every experienced someone placing their expectations of what your life SHOULD look like at your feet – you will understand how this paradigm is so pervasive.

Think of any parent who want’s their child to go into a certain profession,   any jobs or careers you have known people to just “land in” , any volunteer work – that happened on a whim.       You could also think in terms of  ” this seasons fashion colors” or the lasted trend for hair, skirt length or shoes.   At the root of it all?  Is someone else – leading.

The personal leadership perspective:  I will lead myself

What is different about this perspective – is that you are aware of what is out there – and then you are doing consistent check-ins with your own congruence as to whether something is relevant and suitable for you.   It’s having the skills of intuition, presence, thinking, feeling and heart – used in a way that adds to your own personal fulfillment , values, abundance and your capacity to be of service in this world.

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