
Behaving like a personal leader It is in your behaviors that things are measured.  Your way of “Being”  is a large part of what it means to be an effective personal leader.  You can do a lot of talking about personal leadership development – but, it is in the being that you will be most fulfilled and also have the ability to lead more effectively.

Here are 7 ways  of behaving, which support being an effective  personal leader:

1. Being congruent

Being congruent means the reality of what is going on in your experience, in your thoughts, in your words, and in your actions are all aligned.   As a personal leader this kind of authenticity, may mean asking for help when you need it or it  may perhaps mean you have an opportunity to share a truth or an intuition.  Basically, there is a lot more communication in either word or deed that happens when you are fully aligned.   Being a role model for inspiration by behaving in a congruent way is key to personal leadership.

2. Being masterful

Taking the path of mastery requires a strong desire to learn, to grow and to be willing to practice.   It’s about going beyond that initial place of flow and doing the practice that will take you to a place of being consciously competent and then having the energy to be continually improving things.  It is this commitment to mastery – that will keep you in the flow zone of being a personal leader.

3. Being a continual learner

An effective learner has shifted there energy from fearing failure to loving the learning process and also all the different  parts of the learning process.  Embracing the idea of learning to succeed and that slips are just learning is a supporting structure of what it means to engage in personal leadership.  As a personal leader when you see opportunities to learn rather than opportunities to fail – you are a lot more resourceful and inspiring.

4. Being more focused on people than things

Behaving as people are most important in a situation  is an often-missed personal leadership behavior.   Within this behavior are things like remembering the interconnectedness of everyone, authentically expressing appreciation and gratitude, getting out of your head and more into your heart.  A compassionate view towards others is a necessity for an effective personal leader.

5. Being Responsive

Responding to people with grace – even in the mist of a chaotic situation is a sign that you are behaving as a personal leader.  It is that calm or equanimity that allows a personal leader to be able to respond from a place of choice rather than reacting first and thinking second.

6. Being Strategic

Being Aware of  the interconnectedness of everything, leveraging your strengths, developing systems for greater effectiveness, designing environments that are beyond supportive are key behaviours in personal leadership. When you take the time to see the big picture and then plan and design from there – you are being a personal leader.

7. Being fully and powerfully self expressed

Personal leadership is about leading from the inside to the outside.     A key part of personal leadership is aligning your behaviours with your personal calling and destiny in life and then serving others from that place of calling.

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