Lifestyle Choices

The trick to simplify your life  is to start simply.  Just pick 1 or 2 things and just begin to simplify your life with those 1 or 2 things.

Here is a short list of 60 things you could do to simplify in your life:

1. Simply your projects by doing only the essential

2. Batch your tasks  (reply to emails all at once,  do all of your filing at once, do all of your errands at once)

3. Set simple yet healthy boundaries

4. Slow way down

5. Keep on editing. Always.  Simplifying is an ongoing habit.

6. Be of service

7. Tell the simple truth

8. Be authentic

9. Have clear goals

10. Say no effectively and more simply.

11. Keep EVERYTHING simple

12. Kaizen (make small changes)

13. Limit your words to the essential

14. Simply walk

16. Limit your additions

17. Limit your information collection buckets

18. Want less

19. Need less

20. Love thyself

21. Recharge often

22. Get out in nature

23. Find moments of solitude

24. Create simple routines

25. Abandon multi-tasking in favor of single-tasking

26. Be a little more frugal

27. Eat lower on the food chain

28. Invest 15minutes a day in decluttering your physical environment

29. Limit you thoughts

30. Speak from the heat

31. Do the 20% that will get you the 80% of your gain (Parado’s Law)

32. Go for a stretch goal.  (You’ll accomplish more)

33. Integrate change fully the 1st time

34. Live in the wonder of the moment as much as you can

35. Avoid judging – have non-judgmental awareness instead

36. Eliminate gossiping

37. Keep a   secret a secret

38. Eliminate complaining

39. Tap in to your intuition

40. Have all the same socks

41. Eat nutrient dense foods

42. Be open

43. Be allowing

44. See multiple perspectives before you choose anything

45. Be congruent

46. Listen deeply

47. See patterns

48. Walk away more

49. Be more constructive

50. Organize and prioritize

51. Focus and refocus

52. Plan your wardrobe

53. Have some more space in the kitchen cupboard

54.Work things until 90% completion then launch and learn.

55.Make things fun

56.Don’t worry about stuff

57.Outsource  work

58.Delegate more

59.Turn off your technology for part of your day

60.  Be aware of universal oneness  (Live simply so that others may simply live – Ghandi”

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