Life Purpose

16 tablespoons of effortIn Personal Leadership, being effective influencing is when you inspire others to a point of view or behaviour based in a perspective of Love and not Fear.

If you were to try to influence through fear, you break others down vs. lifting them up through inspiration.

“Inspiration is a tool of a personal leader”

Here are 7 ways to both influence and inspire as a personal leader:

1. Have a meaningful conduit for your self expression.  There is a seed within you that is bursting wanting to be expressed.   Everyone’s seed is unique to them.   It could be a garden, a poem, a cause, a legacy, being an inspirational role model, being a guide, a healer, a painter, a poet, a perspective or anything else for that matter.  The what is important to you; it’s the medium that inspires you and at the same time has a theme of purposefulness held inside it.  This purposefulness inspires and enrolls others who are called to the same cause.

2. Create a container for your purposeful expression.  Create a place to which other’s would like to belong.  It could be a home for your family, a place for your client tribe, a membership website or a special place in your community.  It’s a place where you can communicate through your own humanity with those who are attracted to your expression of purpose.  It’s a place where you can be in service. Service is inspiring.

3.  Show up.  Influencers; are seen.  If no one witnesses you; there is no one to inspire.

4. Be a great listener.  Be as great of a listener as you are great expressing.   Let others show and tell you of their experience in a deep enough way that you really understand their words and view. This means meeting people where they are –  through better listening and then following it up with effective communication honouring the words spoken as you listen.

5. Be trustworthy.  Being worthy of trust means being consistent, being congruent, being caring and increasing your capacity as situations require. People are inspired and influenced by those they trust.

6. Honour and live your values.  It is through your values demonstrated that you have the greatest opportunity to influence through inspiration.  When someone witnesses you living true to your values – it inspires them to live more fully their own.  You will naturally attract others who have similar values to your own when your essence of values. This kind of congruence is inspiring.

7. Take a 16 tbsp perspective.  16 tablespoons added to a cup one at a time, fills the cup.  This metaphor  can be an inspirational light for small consistent action repeated until a cup is filled.  Your biggest opportunity to inspire and influence is to fill your own cup; 1 tablespoon at a time. THAT is inspiring.

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