
Aligning yourself with what is truly meaningful to you is a sign of  being a personal leader.   If you lose connection with your truest personal meaning there can be a real sense of loss and sadness.

Actually, sadness is one of the sign posts for meaning that has yet to be embraced.   It is in the sadness, you can recognize what is truly meaningful.

“The feeling of separation that appears when we are not connected – to our passions  and our aliveness – has a sad face and yet – it is in that energy of emotion that lies the key to what is very meaningful for ourselves.”

It is also in emotion rooted in the past that tells us that we are separate from the present moment.

The opportunity is to look for what we lost, that what mattered – and then allow something to re-sprout again.   Meaning making is a continual evolutionary process.   When we take a break from making meaning in our lives – sometimes we need to do a little catch up.

Notice where you may have neglected giving energy to meaning making… and see what  is there ready to sprout.

Is there a destiny or a greater cause that is calling you? 

Personal leaders find what is truly worthwhile and meaningful – and then align their life to get behind their vision.

What meaning making will you get behind in this next year?

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