
Living and Leading from Your Passion

What is it to live from passion?
Pursuing your passion is a pathway for your values to be expressed in the world and your life to be more fulfilling.

It’s a simple truth that your values are always looking for ways to be expressed and so,  living from passion allows you to show what is most important to you, your definition of success and to express your values more fully.    Living from what you love can also be an expression of your authenticity, your uniqueness, and your aliveness.

It can take great courage to live from your passions.  When we let go of what is culturally ideal, and we are more authentic to our desires, it can mean that we must stretch beyond our own limited beliefs – which requires more of us – and at the same time, it can also create more ease within us as well.

Living from your passion can also bring people together in connection with one another.  When we live from our desires, we are inspiring to those others who have not yet learned how to do so.

Being clear on your passions, living, and leading from your desires are vital components in personal leadership development.

What stops you from your passions

What are some things that can prevent someone from fully living from their passion?

  • Waiting for something to come along that feels ultimately compelling to do
  • Not fully exploring what your passions are  (Many folks may have a sense of what they are passionate about – and yet haven’t fully explored them much)
  • Filling calendars and schedules and life so full with “stuff” that there is just no time left to explore your passions  – sometimes pursuing other things that not aligned with our values gets in the way of what is truly meaningful for us
  • Our own limiting beliefs (sometimes for example  – we can believe that we can only have one passion – and then squash the others)
  • Energy drains in the form of tolerations. (Tolerations are those things that you put aside till later – but often pick at you)
    Some societies scoff at some passionate pursuits as they feel they are not worthy   – and absolutely,  it can take courage to pursue a passion in the face of someone telling you it is not a worthwhile pursuit

7 Tips for Living More from Your Passion

 7 tips to Live from Your Passions
  1. Decide to enjoy the benefits of living from your passion in your life.

Think for a moment, “are these things you want for yourself?”

  • Think about living a life with no regrets
  • Think about having higher vibrational energy or just more power
  • Think about being lighter and enjoy everything more because you consciously choose what make important
  • Think about being  personally fulfilled

2. Look for ways to serve others by you living from your passion

Others will benefit through your inspiration. You are modeling what most people want for themselves. You will provide a service of fulfillment, ease or other desirable outcomes when your passions align in service of others.

3.  Follow your heart increasingly more and more

Try things out to see if they are something you can say you are passionate about it.   Passion is an experiential thing – you got to do it to experience it fully. Even if it is in small steps – you might begin now.
Often we have a sense of what we are passionate about – yet, if we can’t put all the words around our sensed feeling  – by following your heart it will lead you closer to it
Develop the skill of intuition, of  inklings, of listening in a profound way to what your body is telling you  (when you feel joyful doing an activity for example)

4. Look at your current beliefs around living from your passion

Do you believe, for example,  the pursuit of your passion is only for play? So then especially only after ALL the other work is done?
Do you believe that living from your passion is not possible? Yet?
Do you believe your passions are worthy?  Alternatively, are you following another’s direction on what may have been worthy of a time and energy investment?

5. Identify where you can fit in a little more of your passions into your life

Sometimes it is about taking small steps with things.   Take an afternoon to explore a passion or begin with even 1 hour a week.   Notice how you feel as you do this.

6. Start to let go of the extra stuff in your life so that you can give yourself room and energy to pursue your passions

Eliminate things you are tolerating from your life. They are an energy drain.  

Start saying no more often to less meaningful things so that you have the personal energy so that you can then say yes to more important things.

7.Raise your bar on your integrity and your level of personal mastery
Decide to do everything with great focus.   Be fully present in any activity or conversations you pursue.

  • Try to 100percent present to every conversation you are in – you will hear more.
  • Try to be 100 percent present in every activity you do – you will experience more.      (even with things you do every day – like cooking and eating a meal)
  • Try to become a 100 percenter in all the activities you begin.

Just by raising your standards, you can start to evoke more passion in your life.

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