
Inner peace is a by-product of practicing resourceful behaviours.   Below are 7 ways to have a greater sense of inward peace:

  1. Know What You Want and Don’t Want in Life
    You can perceive this statement as a piece of glass or as a window. When viewed as a piece of glass, it implies that knowing what you truly want will provide you with the awareness needed to recognize when you have achieved it. This awareness offers an opportunity to relish the satisfaction that comes from accomplishment. This is key to experiencing self-defined success.

Many people lack a clear definition of what they want or what success would look like. It’s a common problem because we don’t slow down enough to contemplate this deeply.

Consequently, when they actually achieve it, they miss the opportunity to relax. The journey, after all, doesn’t end; it’s reassuring to know when you can take a breather to celebrate and relax between the various stages of your journey. The glass perspective of knowing what you don’t want is similar. If you find yourself attracting things that you don’t really want, it reflects where your energy and focus have been directed.

The window perspective of knowing what you want, and what you don’t want, delves a little deeper. Our conscious and subconscious minds are constantly at work. If you have a specific intention or goal and you’re not achieving the desired results, or find yourself hindered from making progress, this could indicate that conflicting intentions in your subconscious are sabotaging you.

Gaining clarity about what you want can lead you to spend more time contemplating the actual barriers that prevent you from naturally achieving your goals. By digging deeper, you cultivate awareness that may lead to a greater sense of ease.

2. Adopt a Positive Stance

Attracting more ease into your life through language is one of the simpler changes you can make in your self-leadership. There are many words and phrases, especially in North American culture, that can distance us from a state of inner peace. For instance, phrases like “let’s hit that sales target” or “I just totally killed my friend at squash,” carry a somewhat aggressive tone.

Subtly shifting towards language that is oriented towards positivity and kindness can create more ease within you and those around you. Consider honoring the world with your communication, rather than harming it. Try changing your language and word choices for a week and observe the differences.

Words that are positively oriented can also contribute to your sense of inner calm. Opt for phrases like “I may,” “I would like to,” “I can,” and “I choose” – these create more inward ease compared to words like “I must,” “I have to,” “I can’t,” “I should.” The choices you make in language can shape your experiences.

3. Put in the Effort
The importance of putting in effort and practicing to achieve goals is often overlooked as a way to attain inward peace. Understanding that a genuine willingness to work towards your goals allows for greater acceptance and a sense of peace is key. Resistance, on the other hand, can lead to frustration, isolation, and emotions far from peace.

4. Embrace Your Emotions
Expanding your capacity to fully embrace your emotions can significantly enhance your ability to experience inner peace. In North American culture, people are often conditioned to resist feeling emotions. This resistance can foster judgment, reluctance to change, and a loss of connection to intuition. By embracing emotions, you trust your intuition more, live more in the moment, and recognize the unity in everything. This alignment with your emotions guides you toward peace.

5. Eliminate Tolerations
In general, we humans have an astonishing ability to endure circumstances that drain our energy. This is sometimes due to societal norms or personal coping strategies developed over time. Noteworthy is that personal leaders recognize the value of striving beyond merely “getting by”. They aim for extraordinary lives for themselves and their followers. Tolerating less creates more opportunities for ease and inner peace.

Ask anyone who has actively and diligently taken the time to fully declutter, and they will attest to the amazing energy it releases. Imagine applying this to every aspect of your life. Removing tolerations can be a powerful action and self-leadership skill in bringing you closer to the peace you desire.

6. Make Your Life Regret-Proof
Here are several ways to make your life regret-proof:

a.Always do your best.

b.When things go off track, start fresh.

c. Reduce impulsivity by aligning your emotions and thoughts with intentionality.

d. Envision your future and assess the potential consequences before taking action.

e. Align your life with your values and passions, and inner peace will follow.

f. Rating yourself on a satisfaction scale regarding fulfillment can bring inner peace into the present.

7. Engage in a Connection Practice
Inner peace derived from meaning and inspiration is immensely rewarding. Whether it’s through a meditative practice such as walking, writing, spending time in nature, or serving your community, what matters most is how you engage in the practice. If your chosen practice leads you to feel inspired and connected to the greater whole, it fosters inner peace and ease.

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