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re-ignite your life

Looking for some renewed spark in your life?  If you are like most folks, your light may have grown dimmer as a result of  life’s experiences or the choices you’ve made or the path you have traveled.   It actually takes a plan and a desire to want more, to light things up a little.   The plan?  well it’s different for each of us.   The path of personal leadership has a lot to do with re-igniting your own life – so that you can then lead by example.  If you find your self thinking ” I could be a lighter, brighter light, or I want more” , perhaps it is time for you to undertake some action that will help you get your spark back.

It is this spark for more that is at the core of personal leadership development.

Here are 7 ways you can create some sparks:

1.  Identify what is meaningful for you in Mind, Body and Spirit.   Meaning has everything to do with what is important  and what is fulfilling.   Identify what holds both for you.

2. Do more of what you are passionate about. Our passions are energy giving.  Even if you just invest 5% more effort in pursuing a passion as a place of beginning – there are huge energetic rewards to be had.

3.  Bring more rituals into your life. Rituals around what is sacred and meaningful to you – can be a real charge.  This kind of habitual focusing can build real energy that can ignite even the dampest of situations.   You can start with any ritual and then begin to add them on.  Even if it is only doing a little journaling once a day.  Begin  simply.  Over time – you can add in other little energy giving rituals.

4.  Empty the energy drains from your life. Tolerations  are those things that sap energy from your life.  Those things that you have “shoulds”  around.  “I should mend that blouse, I should clean the blinds or the car, or get the oil checked”… all the little things that take up your thinking space.

5.  Express your self to the fullest. Express yourself  – or deal with any fears of embarrassment, rejection, or fear relating to having your powerful self expression.   When you get fully self expressed – you can feel the spark of fire in your belly.

6.  Drum up a your authentic courage. Courage when made a regular practice is like a snow ball rolling  in new fallen snow.  It expands.  It just keeps on expanding and  expanding through just the action of being in constant movement.

7. Get super effective. Effectiveness channeled in your chosen  meaningful direction – can lead to greater productivity,  more aligned decision making and better results.   Once you know what you know what you want and begin doing it – next continually improve how you do it.

As you can see – getting your spark back is very doable – it just takes a commitment and some practice.   Even if it is just being mindful where your fire is dimming – and beginning to bring in the desire for something better and something more.  That too would be a really great start.

Think on what kind of commitment you would like to make to your own personal leadership development plan.

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