Environmental Design

got a problem Got Problems?  Most of us do.   And if you haven’t got caught up in the illusion that problems are personal, pervasive or permanent – there are ways to dramatically reduce the amount of problems you attract and need to contend with in your life by undertaking a path of better self leadership. Besides personal fulfillment – personal leadership is also a path of problem avoidance when you make a plan to overcome the things that may stop you in life. (problems)

Heare are 3 ideas in a 3 part series that just might help you to cut the amount of problems in your life:

1.  Reduce the amount of things you are tolerating.   What are tolerations?  They are those little things left undone, unspoken and unresolved that hold energy in place.  They are those things, when cleared, completed, or solved – they free up amazing energy.

They don’t have to be big things.  The can be simple meaningful things to you.

The idea here is that you first identify what it is you ARE tolerating. Make a list.

It could anything in your home such as clutter or broken things.  It might be things in your relationships like unspoken needs, or unmet expectations.  It might be things in your environment like too much noise, or unwanted messages.   It may be anything you have not completed on.  It may even be things like behaviours you do, or avoid doing – and you are tolerating the avoidance or procrastination.

Once you have created your list.   Take 10 of them – and clear them up.  Generally, you can only get so far before an increasing backlog of tolerations is going to start causing your problems.

2.  Take on an abundance mindset.  Abundance is having more than enough, and knowing on a spiritual level this is true.   When you have healthy reserves in all areas of your life  – a lot of problems dissipate.   For example,  have you diminished your own health buffer by working too hard, sleeping too little, or eating less than nutrient dense foods?   What if instead – you behaved as if you were creating a health buffer.   Do you think you could better stave off dis-ease?

When you undertake a perspective of having more abundance,  problems relating to time, money, love, space, and personal fulfillment shift.

3. Embrace the choice to be in integrity – always.  Integrity is so much a valued personal leadership trait because when we live in integrity our relationships improve.  So does our certainty and our ability to live in uncertainty while we are waiting for “knowing” moments.

The word integrity originates from the Latin word  integritas meaning “whole“.  So when you are in integrity in your entire life – there is a sense of deep fulfillment that can be yours.

There are many tips how to better live in integrity  we can gather from others – but more than anything – integrity is an inside to outside self leadership behaviour.  It means we know what we think, what we feel, and we express ourselves with congruence. It means we are open and flexible and yet – are very clear on what is most meaningful and valued by ourselves.

As you can see, just these 3 ideas alone, if you were to put them in to practice could significantly cut the amount of problems you may be experiencing in your life.

Spend a few moments thinking today what a world of action, abundance, and always integrity would be like for you.  All these 3 things are about actively making your life better, right now and into the future.

  • see also

Leading Yourself Out of Problems – Part 2

 Leading Yourself Out of Problems – Part 3


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