Prosperity and Abundance

1. Our environments are telling

Your environments are a reflection of your beliefs and your thoughts.  If for example you have a lot of clutter in your home, at your desk and in your car – this can be a sign of a mind that is not operating at the highest level of potential clarity.

They are common beliefs for some to think and say  ” I can find everything”,  “I know where everything is” , ” The clutter doesn’t bother me” AND my mind is clear.  It’s isn’t until after the clutter is removed that folks start to realize they are thinking clearer and feeling lighter. It becomes pretty obvious – pretty fast that a mind – that doesn’t need to devote any energy to something that is tolerated – can quickly move on to something more meaningful.    The problem can come in when the toleration-mind-saps become so much of a habit that you aren’t even conscious that you are having that energy drained from you.  Clear the clutter – and see how you feel.   I will bet there are some feelings there.  I also bet you notice your mind more after you have done the clearing.

2. Our bodies tell a story

Our bodies tell a story about how we value ourselves, how we value health and wellness, how we value fitness, how we value food, how we value safety.  Our bodies can also tell stories about how we think about other unspoken values that we may place above self worth, health, wellness.    It can be a worthwhile pursuit to spend some time thinking about what your body speaks for you about your own thinking.

3. Our money talks too

Where we give, where we invest, where we honour employees or colleagues, or clients or our children  can be a very telling in terms of  our personal leadership thinking.   Do only do business with green companies?  Do you spend a lot on material goods? Do you give financial rewards for work well done?   Do you tip well?   Do you purchase to keep up with the jones’es? Do you invest in learning? Do you save? … and the list can go on and on….

Look at where you spend – and see what values you are honouring when you do that investment.

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