

leadership congruenceTo be more fully congruent is a desired personal leadership trait.   In leadership, your world view, awareness, mindset, flexibility and attitudes are reflected in your ability to be congruent.

Congruence is actually one of the corner stone leadership traits.  In its outer manifestation; it is often linked to ability to be trusted, to be courageous and to be authentic.

It most importantly affects your ability to be an influential communicator.

Internally, congruence is a demonstration of your self-esteem, your own ability to trust, and your own sense of wholeness.

Congruence occurs when you words AND your body language and physiology are in direct alignment with each other.

It takes your words, your breath, your facial expression and even tiny indicators like things like the skin colour or tightness around your mouth and eyes to be congruent with each other.  It includes things too like your qualities such as your vocal tone and your vocal volume.

Here are 15 Shifts to make to become a more congruent in your self leadership:

become more authentic

  • from control to intimacy, flexibility and openness
  •  from desiring trust to being trusting
  •  from being protective to being vulnerable
  •  from being stuck in a singular perspective to being willing to take risks
  •  from apathy to appreciation of yourself, those around you, and your environments
  •  from being critical and judging to seeing the uniqueness as well combine wholeness of everyone around you
  •  from being fearful of others to loving others
  •  from being unsatisfied with yourself to loving and embracing your own essence
  • from resisting change to being open to change
  • from seeking validation to feeling resourceful, creative and whole
  • from holding back to having your full expression (all of it)
  • from limiting your energy to being in your full vitality
  • from pushing down feelings to feeling them fully
  • from saying yes automatically, to make considered choices in alignment with your own values
  • from pleasing others to pleasing yourself

When you more freely choose to communicate with congruence – with your head, heart,hands and feet all in alignment, you are making the choice to love and honour and to be connected with others – and all that entails.

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