
Turn Around A Bad Day
Having a bad day – and feeling bad about it –  is just way too much work. Wouldn’t it be more enjoyable to learn you are not obligated to feel a certain way just by turning around a bad day and then making your day as good as you wish it to be?

Our emotions are reactive. Something has to occur first. What you might be losing track of, however, is all the things that happen to create your foggy negative emotional state.    Sometimes your situational level of personal presence will take a nose dive when say X happens on the outside, and you immediately feel  Y on the inside.  Things have become simultaneous.  What is happening in fact – is you are missing an opportunity that exists  – it’s the stuff you’ve hidden in the middle.  You’ve missed the opportunity for choice.

You may even have noticed your language demonstrates the missing middle when you say words like, “They make me frustrated”.   In this case, what may need to happen is for you to separate the action from what happened on the inside. Do this by expanding your awareness and then teach your brain – there are many, many possible responses you could make.

Speaking of awareness, one thing I know for sure – is that you are critical.   I know this because to judge something as “bad” you have stepped back from your awareness – far enough to separate yourself from it.  You’ve made a judgment and criticism of the day to label it as “bad”. This habit is something that almost everyone does from time to time.  We put ourselves in a place of being “separate”.

What I would want you to walk away from this article knowing – is that you are much, much more resourceful when you are in Connecting.  Connection with your awareness, your body, and those around you.If you are like most folks, though, when you are having a bad day – you may not be aware how separate you are behaving. You may have a slight feeling of it – yet the awareness isn’t clear.  If any of this happens for you, it’s OK, and the good news is – awareness can be expanded.   So there are many possibilities for things you can do.a bad day

Here are 7 ways to turn around a bad day:
1. Be choosing
As I mentioned earlier, being at choice is so important to move yourself outside of the paradigm of  “having a bad day”.   When we choose from resourceful options, we can easily shift our experience.  You are empowered to change your experience in any given moment.  You can do it – even if you don’t yet believe it is possible.  When you use the power of choice – you can reject an unresourceful experience and replace it with your choice more resourceful one.

2. Be re-thinking
Using you mind you can quickly move from “it’s a bad day mindset” to something more resourceful.  Just one trick of many is just to reject the old frame of reference.   “Enough.”  “Over.”    By rejecting the old frame of reference, it opens up opportunities for you to begin to bring in a new experience. You think of it like you are pulling the rug out from under the unresourceful thinking and leaving room for something new to step in.

4. Be feeling
By feeling fully and slowing down your thoughts and breath, you can begin to experience what is going on in any given moment.  You are going to catch better things before the balloon out to becoming  “a bad day”.     Frustration after all – is just boiled up unmet expectations.  The faster you recognize your expectation hasn’t been met, you are going to be able to do more communication – and faster – before things get out of hand.   The tip here – is to get curious – right away.  Remember it’s just that you have not yet arranged things in such a way so that others can cooperate with you – or that you are not yet actually using the resources you need to get there.

The reason this is a feeling experience – is it is through your feeling experience that you will receive the first clues to your unrecognized unmet expectations.  It’s the emotion that is going to be the call to move yourself forward.    So breath deep and slow – and then notice.

5. Be open and trusting
When you choose to have your heart and mind to be open, you are consciously choosing to be open to other opportunities and perspectives. When you are open, you are open to getting the clarity you need – in its own time of arrival.  So often, when we have a closed perspective or are trying to force things to be a certain way – we close down our heart. The opportunity is to keep our mind open to different perspectives and the feeling awareness that is so valuable in turning around a bad day.

6. Be in alignment with your personal meaning
So much of the experience of having a bad day is a demonstration of separateness.   When you reconnect with yourself, your purpose and better connect with others around your purpose; you are going to start seeing other perspectives, (like the perfection that exists in any given moment ).  When you can trust more fully, have greater self-expression and can better show others how to please you, a lot of the seeds of a bad day will not germinate at all.

7. Be in practice
Be kind to yourself.  Remember that failing – it’s just practice.  When we practice being in the moment and practice choosing our experiences…sometimes it doesn’t feel a natural experience at first. It is the practice of personal presence and expanded awareness that will allow you to have fewer bad days – and lot more good ones in the future.   You can do it.
I hope you recognize now even more fully that with high levels of  “being” vs “doing” you don’t need to be at the mercy of thinking.  The thought “I am having a bad day” doesn’t need to hold power over you any longer.  I hope you see how greater connection and emotional mastery will allow you to co-create your day to be what every you wish it to be.  You can do it.   It just takes a little practice.



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