authentic-gfitThe number one awareness that personal leaders get when they begin their journey of personal leadership is just how darn fulfilling the mission can be.

It’s a super thing that happens when you begin to be self-reflective intentionally.  You get to become more and more aware.

You get more aware of what truly motivates you, of what you believe in, of what matters to you and of what inspires you.

Imagine living a life that has been built on a structure of inspiration rather than a loosy-goosy framework of  “life happens.”  It’s very enjoyable.

Beginning the process of being self-reflective is a simple one, and a couple of simple questions asked of yourself will get you started.

What do I really, really want? And How do I want to feel – once I have what I want?

Having a conscious awareness of your success means you make things significant that perhaps were parts of you that you might have held back a little.  Those things like little passions, secret dreams,  held but not yet honored values and most importantly your authentic voice.

It’s a real gift you can receive when you activate everything that is authentic about you, and your heart takes center stage.   Previous tangles your mind no longer appear because you are so aligned with your values – there are no dilemmas.   There is greater love and appreciation of things because there is no more idealistic striving that pulls you out of your heart. Preferably, what you get is  – well, what you truly wanted.

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