anne preston

Se;f-leadership tipsBe Authentic.

Authenticity is your ability to be in connection with your true essence and then act in alignment from that place of peace.   It is having your intentions and your actions, your words, your deeds all working in concert with each other.   It is a mind, body and spirit alliance.

Any exercise that brings out more of who you are at the essence will help you expand your capacity for authenticity.

Here is a basic exercise:

Share your thoughts, feelings and anything that is behind your eyes.  Let down the boundaries of your face and heart. Let them fall a little – and share your experience.

It’s a move of vulnerability.    Let go of the need to be a woman of mystery – and embrace the woman you are at an essence.

People crave being in a relationship with authentic people.   They crave the intimacy that comes as a result of the shared vulnerability that comes from being authentic. It does take courage to let down your walls a little. Try to begin this practice in relationships where you already feel safe. This is what it takes to live an authentic life.

See if you can notice how much richer your relationships become.

When you are living an authentic life, you live a courageous life as well.  They go hand-in-hand.

It takes small acts of courage to be authentic – because you love on the highest level, and you tell the truth.  You might say these two things have negative consequences. That will be true if you happen to be in a place of fear for feeling separate.  If you live from a place of wholeness – you can be your most authentic.


Tiny Tips in self-leadership personal leadership development are personal leadership principles – 1 bite-sized concept at a time.

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