
Free from being overwhelmedAs a sensitive woman, this holiday season may leave you with the feeling of being overwhelmed when all you want is how to be calm and get some holiday relief.

Have you ever felt like you wanted to run for the covers? Wishing the holidays were over and you could breathe again?
When chaos is around you, it is so easy to have your mind focus on what you don’t want – or want to avoid, rather than what you do want. Thoughts suitable for scoundrels and unfavorable energy surround our every fibre of being – and we are left feeling low.

“Is this done yet?” – A common under-the-breath-wish has been whispered my many a big-hearted, sensitive woman during the holiday season.

You may know what I am talking about – when you find yourself having the same thoughts over and over again when the season is attempting to steal your positive energy and power – and you feel dragged to a place of negative vibration.

The simple things like taking care of your family, inviting your loved ones to a get-together, can seem to be an enormous obstacle.

The opportunity is to recognize these worries long before they become a challenge. When you can be proactive, you will suffer less and ultimately be able to do more without dread.

The initial step in taking care of holiday stress is this:
Avoid replaying the problem over and over again. If you are saying something along the lines of “there is not enough time and too much to do”, and you are saying it over and over, and you don’t do anything differently, then you are using up your precious time – just maintaining the problem.

Better still, unplug the energy from the problem. To unplug, just tell yourself “stop!”, And then take a few long deep breaths to bring yourself totally into the present moment. When you had the anxious feeling earlier – you were projecting your energy into the future. It’s much more resourceful here and now, in the present moment.

Once you are fully in the present moment – ask, “What is the truth of my current situation?”. Answer your question without collapsing back into the previous level of thinking, and focus on what the real core issues are that created the problem. Write them down.

The next step is to become very aware of the emotions that are present.

For every core issue, you listed – identify the feeling that goes along with that issue.
For example, if one of the issues was that you were saying YES, automatically without checking in with how you feel about things, then that feeling might be of shame or embarrassment.

See if you can identify the reasons why you feel this way. These reasons may just be the things that are stopping you from being your most effective self.

The last step is to change your thought, to change the way you are feeling.

To do this, create a thought that is just a little bit better.
For example, if I am feeling embarrassed about automatically saying yes to everything… I might change my thought (by making it just a little better) to something like:
“I say yes to only some things automatically and then to others, I stop and see how I feel.”

After you have your statement, check in with how you feel at that moment. Most women feel a little bit better.

Next improve that last statement by making it just a little bit better.

“I allow myself time to see how I feel before I answer yes to a question” – and then see how you feel. (Even better still)
Then, just keep on creating incrementally better thoughts – until you feel great and resourceful.

Afterwards, also, give yourself a little bit of appreciation for what you have accomplished. Then give yourself a little bit more appreciation – and so on.





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