Self-leadership Skills

  One thing that happens after you have become passionate about personal leadership – is that you begin to see just how many of your personal environments your self-leadership skills do touch.

Things to know about personal leadership

It can influence your personal fulfillment, your bottom line, your community and your relationships among many things.

Here are 11 other things about Personal Leadership I think you should know:

  1. Personal Leadership is about seeing yourself more deeply

If you better understand your motivations, inspirations,  what stops you, and how to get around those barriers, it’s a lot easier to live a life filled with ease and joy.  Ease and Joy are two of the natural by-products of improved self-awareness.

2.Personal Leadership is about the ability to hear your own true inner voice in a clear way

I’m not talking about the internal critic voice, but rather the voice that speaks your truth, your knowing, and your highest good.

3.     Personal Leadership is about being self-directed

When you are self-directed instead of externally motivated, you don’t do things to keep up with others – but instead you live out your own values.   Sure, you still listen to others, but you’ll not be a slave to seeking their approval.

4.     Personal Leadership is a skill set anyone can master

So much of personal leadership comes out of expanding your awareness of yourself!  Because that resource is always available to you, practicing the skills of your focus is always an option.

 5.     Personal Leadership Is a Journey and not a destination.

You will have personal leadership pursuits to solve a particular block, barrier or problem as they arise – but more than anything else – the routines you develop will help you on your life long journey.   That is why Personal Leadership is so much a life skill.

 6.     Personal Leadership, or the lack of it will affect every area of your life

There is no pursuit bigger or more encompassing than a self-leadership skills pursuit.  For where ever you go – there you are.

7.     Personal Leadership can’t fully happen without courage, authenticity and desire

When you undertake a path of personal leadership – you are willing to risk.  You’ll risk learning, knowledge, change, and a whole lot more.

 8.     Personal leadership is your life demonstrated like a practical spiritual practice

A key part of personal leadership is aligning your passions to your sense of purpose or purposefulness. This becomes such a useful spiritual practice because in that purpose is your connection to others, to your community, and to man-kind.

 9.     Personal leadership is the byproduct of your own personal effectiveness

You are already a leader – it’s just a matter of how effective you are.  Each and everyone one of you has a personal brand.  It’s developed by what you say, don’t say, and by what you do and don’t do.

10.  Personal Leadership is about making a difference in the world starting with small changes in yourself

Big swoosh changes aren’t so much the practice of most personal leaders;  mainly, because that kind of change is rarely sustainable.  For most, the journey is of small incremental changes for the better – created over a time of focus.  It’s about expanding your awareness and then giving yourself the momentum you need.

11.  Personal Leadership is you living from your own essence

ME(my essence) is the playground of the personal leader, although it is not all about self indulgence.  More than anything else, it’s about creating a better world for everyone to live in, and it all starts with you.   It’s about bettering your own world, and then using that bounty to serve others.

Do you too think that Personal Leadership is an important topic for our current times? Or do you believe something else?


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