
Embodying LOVE is a personal leadership skill set and without doubt, it is a skill that each of us could improve on each day.

Love can be an overwhelming concept to some.   After all, It’s a little  hard to grasp because it is just so darn big.  It is certainly bigger than a breadbox or a football field.

A separation from love, can also be some of our greatest barriers to our success.  Is it time to raise your love vibration?

The trouble is, when we are talking about such large concepts – it’s hard to find the edges. It’s hard to recognize the container it comes in, especially for something dare I say it – so spiritual.

There have been attempts right through the ages to define love.  I suspect scholars would love to come up with one concise definition that answers the question, “What is LOVE?“.

I suggest, that answer doesn’t really matter all that much.

I suggest what does matter, is what is LOVE to you?    How do you define LOVE?

When you self-define love, you put edges around your own container for LOVE.  You define what love is – in action – in your own life.

In order to self-define such a big word. It’s important to change it back into the verb it is meant to be.   It means no longer allowing it to stay this static noun, but rather have it come alive again in demonstrated action.

When you lead yourself in behaviours of loving.    How do you do it?

Do you love yourself? And how do you do that specifically?  Could you do it better?

Do you love others by telling them the truth?  Could you do THAT better?

Do you love our planet?  Your environment?  Do you do loving behaviours to show that love?  Do you recycle?  Do you make your community better in some way?

Do you express your love out loud?  Do you express your gratitude and love to others?  Could you do a little better  perhaps?

What do you love?   In your lightest of hearts, what brings you joy and is calling for your love.    If an unexpressed passion is calling to you – it might be time to give it a little more love this week.

The more you can define the edges of your love, the more love you will attract to you and the more love you will be able to express.


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