
Be super at getting things doneWhy might we need a self leadership plan when it comes to getting things done?

Do you have incomplete things?  Probably, yes?

Almost everyone has incomplete projects of some sort or another.   This is why bettering our own self leadership can become so valuable.  The more efficient we are able to lead ourselves – chances are – the more effective be are in lowering the number of incompletes in our lives, and with that increased effectiveness comes increased reward.

Projects that are too large or too long, or perceived limits of time are common challenges for completing.   Resisted feelings are also a common barrier to getting things done.  So is an over-identification of doing things with flair or perfection.  These can all be barriers to getting things from started to getting things done.

Here are a few simple strategies to move frustration to finished:

  1. Raise your standards.  Things like taking self-responsibility for what you need to complete and to excel.  It may be more energy to put out, more resources to collect or becoming more effective.   Sometimes it doesn’t need to be a big shift here; sometimes it can be things simple as giving things just 5% more effort.   Even simple structures like under promising to others – and then delivering beyond their expectations –while allowing you to meet your own  – can help lift a little unnecessary pressure – and give you the space you need to move your own project to completion.
  2. Get amazing at planning and handling your time.  Creating repeating systems and doing things while in flow can help you in handling in your time.  So can, a well placed ‘NO’ and the elimination of a ‘automatic yes’.  When you set boundaries on your time – you will allow yourself even more time to focus on completing things. Then, after you have created some space, start simply – identify 10-25 incompletes as a practical place to begin. Make that plan to move to completion now.
  3. Get the help you need.  Attachment to being the one ‘doing’ has slowed the effectiveness of many a leader.  When you learn to better focus on your own strengths and natural talents and ask or delegate for help with the rest – you will find your ability to complete soars.
  4. Feel everything (in what is stopping you) If you spend more than a moment or two – stuck, stopped or paralyzed in your momentum – it may be time to feel into what it is that is stopping you.
  5. Learn in action.  If you find a pattern to the road bumps that appear on your route to completion.  Create solutions for those – as you experience them.  The faster you can get at getting yourself back into effective action the easier it will be for you to reach the finish line. Along the way learn from your frustrations when they come up – get to what is behind the frustration – it’s probably important! Treat it like something to discover.  The faster you can learn from failing – the faster you get back on the road to completing things.
  6. Leverage tools and structures.   Discover what structures work for you.  Whether it is an egg timer, a sticky note, a piece of software or a specific routine. Discover what is most useful to YOU.   And when you current structures or practices become NO longer useful – make a plan to change them.  For example, If you’ve become a slave to technology – your technology is no longer your servant – perhaps it’s time to either re-tool or step back.

Of then of course you could always  Avoid the frustrations of the incompletes all together.

Got some great ideas on how to move from frustration to complete – Please leave a comment to share.


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