anne preston

Let’s slow down for a moment. We all have things we believe.   Our beliefs guide us in our daily lives. They inform our choices, both what we say yes to and what we release. Our beliefs govern us much in our daily lives.

I often listen to what people specifically understand when they are telling me about the changes they wish to make.  I often observe it is the belief they are holding, which may be keeping the problem in place.   So, now as a coach, I listen to the ideas that folks share to see whether they are “resourceful” or “limiting.”

Have you listened to your own beliefs lately?  Are you clear as to whether they help you to be resourceful?  Do you feel like they may be limiting you in some way?

As a way to test this out for yourself; is to SLOW things down and think of a problem you believe you have.   What are your beliefs about your question?  Take a moment and jot down what you find.

Journaling one way to upgrade your thinking

Are your beliefs serving you? Are they helping you? Are they limiting you?

Here are some clues you might be referencing a limiting belief:

Beliefs can be pervasive.

Anne L Preston

You believe you’re the problem.   You’ve tied your personality to it.  You’ve made it so personal; on some level, it’s feeling like a part of you.  Maybe even you are making a comparison in some way to someone?

You believe your life is a problem because you have a problem.  A bigger view is required perhaps?  Are you sweating more than you need to?

You believe it (that problem) can’t be solved.  You’ve seen one answer – and it’s getting you nowhere.

In other words, if you believe your problem is personal, pervasive or permanent; you may be looking at things with a limited view.

If this feels challenging to think about – this is natural.

Anytime we or others question our existing beliefs; it can be a ruffling experience.  After all, it’s not usually something we spend time doing every day.

Anne L Preston

Sometimes our language too – can affect what we believe.

I’ll often share stories of my being a sensitive soul.   When I was in my early 20’s, I had a limiting belief about men.   I am ashamed to say; I once believed all men were pigs.   At the time I didn’t know that belief was limiting me.  It does feel silly to me now – to think I once believed that.

It’s not uncommon once you break the limits of a limiting belief – it no longer has the power to hold you back.   It may even seem silly.

It’s now 20 plus years later, and I no longer believe all men are pigs – but back then – I saw many men aggressively pursuing me. It overwhelmed me and my sensitivity, and I labeled all men as for how I saw those particular men that were chasing me.   In essence, I formed a belief that had a primary intention of keeping me safe – away from those chasers.

I labeled ALL men the same – that way I kept a distance.   I didn’t realize at the time – that this belief was preventing me from finding my soul mate.  I became aware later – it wasn’t the men chasing me that was the problem – it was the belief  I was once holding for myself about my ability to keep my self-safe.

I often hear people say the same kind of things about their own limiting beliefs.  When they expand their awareness – they often describe it as just a little bit silly that they even had that limiting belief.

So, anytime you find yourself using language like all, always, never, or none it may be a sign you are also restricting yourself in some way, and there may be a soon-to-be silly belief lurking there that is limiting.

Sometimes we believe things without the evidence behind the belief.

Ask yourself,  “How specifically do I know my belief is true?”  Sometimes you can even take on a view because your family believed something. Perhaps you think certain things about how you should take care of yourself.  If this is true for you,  you may have just missed the step of testing it out to see if it serves you now, here in the present day.

Sometimes some beliefs can guide us, as life lessons.

Do you have ideas that you repeat to yourself that inspire you?

Here are a couple of my own beliefs that I reference which inspire and guide my daily living:

“It’s never the problem – it’s how I respond to it that matters” –  It’s not about what is happening in life – it’s the journey that matters. It’s how I respond to stressors, to life’s busy-ness, to unexpected circumstances and new tasks that makes the real difference in how I live life.  This belief keeps things moving forward, so its an opportunity to always be looking to improve how to respond to situations rather than focusing on the problem.

” Inward Peace is not the absence of conflict, crisis or chaos – but rather the ease to feel when responding to what is going on at the moment”  – It’s not what is happening – It’s always about how I respond to it that matters most.  This belief is a reminder to feel what is going on – thoroughly – and then answer.

“There is always a higher frame of reference possible” – This belief is about looking for bigger and bigger frames of reference for things.  Is there a big mind perspective? What is the soul perspective?  What would an inner CEO believe?

“What matters most is HOW I do something” – One of the ways to find personal fulfillment is to pursue mastery in anything you choose to do.   By giving your best  (whatever that is at the moment), It emphasizes it’s how you do something is what matters. As a result – Never feel deflated or bored by a relationship, task or project. Always enjoy what you are doing (even when it is challenging)

“There is always an easier way” – This becomes a way of being mindful of the most effective path.

What are those beliefs that inspire you daily?

There are many wild and woolly things about beliefs and the media, advertisers, politicians, our kids, our communities, and our leaders are all trying to affect our expectations in one way or another.  The opportunity here is to become aware of what you believe and become even more aware of how those beliefs guide you.

In my own story –  I believe I would not have found my soul-mate and married him if I hadn’t changed my old and outdated limiting belief about men.

If you’ve suspected you may be referencing old or out-dated beliefs, one of the best ways of changing your experience is to update your thinking & beliefs.

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